Gaustatoppen Turisthytte

Gaustatoppen Turisthytte is located at Gaustatoppen. Here you can enjoy freshly baked waffles and a cup of coffee or hot chocolate with a breathtaking view of large parts of southern Norway.

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Gaustatoppen Turisthytte was built in stone from Gaustatoppen as early as 1893 and has attracted tourists ever since. Every year, more than 110,000 people visit the top hut. Today, Gaustatoppen Turisthytte is run by DNT, the Norwegian Tourist Association.

Known for its waffles

Once at the top, many hikers order waffles with jam and “rømme” (Norwegian sour cream) as a reward for getting all the way up. Despite the fact that the cabin is relatively small and is located at an altitude of 1830 meters, they sell almost 50,000 waffles a year. (!) In addition to waffles, Gaustatoppen Turisthytte also serves drinks and meals.

Leave nothing but footprints 

Everything that is taken up on the mountain must be taken down from the mountain again. All guests are encouraged to bring their own rubbish down from the top after their visit.

Group bookings

Groups can book food and/or accommodation in advance. If you and your group wish to stay overnight, there is room for up to 11 people. Overnight stays also include Norwegian inspired dinner and breakfast. Accommodation is booked in advance at

Opening hours

08/5 - 30/6           09.00 -   16.30
01/7 - 13/8            09.00 -  18.30
14/8  - 15/1            09.00 - 16.30